30th August-1st Sept 2024: HXR members join XR’s Upgrade Democracy occupation at Windsor

Over 3 days at Windsor, near to where the Magna Carta was signed, a large community gathered together to peacefully protest against our broken political system, corrupted by powerful interests that prioritise profit over the planet, and to demand an urgent, fairer and more inclusive upgrade to UK democracy.

The weekend included a march to the gates of Windsor castle to deliver a hot pink letterbox full of letters to the King, a die-in, a Gaia puppet and some ‘fUNFAIR’ games. Speakers gave updates on the latest science of the climate and ecological emergency, climate justice and deliberative democracy. And, in line with XR’s demand that a Citizen’s Assembly on Climate and Ecological Justice should take the place of our current system, a huge community ‘Massembly’ was held, epxloring how we can upgrade UK democracy.

HXR members attended the weekend, including joining a group of “suffragettes” demanding that just as women deserved the vote, our youth deserve a future
A particular success was the press coverage of the event. Links to this and more information about the weekend can be foundhere.