3rd & 4th Dec 2024: HXR members gather outside GMC HQ during Dr Sarah Benn’s BMA-funded appeal

Posted by: Alice - Posted on:

In April this year, Dr Sarah Benn, a retired GP of over 32 years standing, became the first doctor to be suspended by the GMC for participation in peaceful climate protests to protect life. This followed a tribunal triggered by her imprisonment for breaking a private injunction during a peaceful protest at Kingsbury oil terminal(1). 

Despite national and international concern that such harsh disciplinary measures are contrary to the UK’s commitments under the Aarhus convention, and represent an unjust deterrent to a doctor’s right to protest(2). The GMC has repeatedly claimed it is bound by its’ duties as set out in the Medical Act 1983, and was compelled to refer Dr Benn to the Independent medical tribunal service where it also employed a lawyer to argue that Dr Benn had breached its Fitness to Practice rules(3), including whether Dr Benn had undermined public trust in the profession(4). The GMC’s own rules in response to this requirement set out that doctors who receive custodial sentences will automatically be referred to a tribunal(5).

Since the tribunal’s decision in April, the British Medical Association has passed a motion in support of a doctor’s right to protest(6), and has also committed to backing Dr Benn by funding the appeal against her suspension which is due to be heard today and tomorrow in the Royal Courts of Justice(7). 

Prior to the hearing today, doctor’s gathered outside the GMC in what has become a regular presence at the London headquarters(8, 9). They are calling on the GMC to:

1) Show appropriate leadership on the climate health emergency,

2) Set standards for doctors to ensure the medical community shows appropriate action on the crisis, and,

3) Ends its vilification of climate whistleblowing doctors and recognises their actions as acts of conscience in the protection of public health.

Yesterday, a group of seven health workers gathered in solidarity within the same injuncted area at Kingsbury oil terminal where Sarah Benn was arrested. They carried placards reading “I am Sarah Benn”. “Climate crisis kills” and “Duty bound to protect public health”. There were no arrests(10).

In August, Dr Warner, a retired GP, was also suspended for her climate-related convictions following her referral to the MPTS by the GMC (11). A third climate activist doctor, working GP Dr Hart now awaits his tribunal hearing in 2025 (12), while 6 other health workers, including four doctors, await trials which under current rules could result in their referral to the MPTS (13).

Quotes in support:

Fiona Godlee, former Editor-in-chief of the British Medical Journal said:

I and many others are deeply grateful to Dr Warner and Dr Benn for putting themselves on the line. They did so as concerned and responsible health professionals, calling out a climate emergency that is already killing people and destroying lives, and which threatens our very survival.Their actions will only serve to increase trust in the medical profession. The GMC’s decision to penalise them, on top of the courts, is already on the wrong side of history as the grim realities of the climate crisis unfold. We call on the GMC to reconsider and to properly fulfill its own role as a protector of public health”. 

Dr Rammina Yassaie, Medical Doctor and Ethicist said: 

Dr Benn demonstrated courage and conviction in her determination to raise the alarm about the climate emergency. Whistleblowing about the greatest health threat of the 21st century must not be viewed as professional misconduct, and the GMC ought to reflect on its own legal and ethical responsibility to protect patient safety in the face of this great threat”.

Notes for Editors:

  1. Dr Sarah Benn Suspended for ‘Serious professional misconduct’ for peaceful climate protest: HXR statement – https://healthforxr.com/dr-sarah-benn-found-guilty-of-serious-professional-misconduct-for-peaceful-climate-protest-hxr-statement/ 
  2. Statement from UN special Rapporteur Michel Forst: https://www.lar.earth/statement-from-un-special-rapporteur-michel-forst/ 
  3. Doctors taking part in protests or other forms of activism: https://www.gmc-uk.org/news/news-archive/doctors-taking-part-in-protests 
  4. Our role and the Medical Act 1983 : https://www.gmc-uk.org/about/what-we-do-and-why/our-mandate 
  5. Investigating and acting on concerns about doctors: https://www.gmc-uk.org/about/what-we-do-and-why/investigating-and-acting-on-concerns
  6. BMA votes to protect medical professionals from GMC sanctions for activism: https://thedoctor.bma.org.uk/articles/health-society/bma-votes-to-protect-medical-professionals-from-gmc-sanctions-for-activism/
  7. “Worrying” message being sent to other doctors following Dr Sarah Benn ruling, BMA warns: https://www.bma.org.uk/bma-media-centre/worrying-message-being-sent-to-other-doctors-following-dr-benn-ruling-warns-bma 
  8. HXR doctors protest over General Medical Council’s climate inaction: https://healthforxr.com/18th-april-2024-hxr-doctors-protest-over-general-medical-councils-climate-inaction/ 
  9. Health workers and patients gather to dispel the GMC’s pretence that climate action by doctors undermines the public’s trust: https://healthforxr.com/health-workers-and-patients-gather-to-dispel-the-gmcs-pretence-that-climate-action-taken-by-doctors-undermines-public-trust/ 
  10. HXR members risk arrest in solidarity with Sarah Benn: https://healthforxr.com/dec-2nd-2024-hxr-members-risk-arrest-in-solidarity-with-sarah-benn/ 
  11. HXR member Dr Diana Warner found guilty by GMC of professional misconduct for climate protest: https://healthforxr.com/press-release-hxr-member-diana-warner-found-guilty-by-gmc-for-climate-protest/ 
  12. Can property damage ever be an act of care? Dr Patrick Hart shows courage and compassion facing down Exxon Mobil: https://healthforxr.com/can-property-damage-ever-be-an-act-of-care-dr-patrick-hart-demonstrates-courage-and-compassion-facing-down-exxon-mobil/ 

Jury refuse to convict XR medics who broke JPMorgan windows: https://healthforxr.com/14th-june-2024-jury-refuse-to-convict-hxr-medics-who-broke-jpmorgan-windows/

Additional resources:

Stop punishing doctors who take part in climate protests regulator told: https://amp.theguardian.com/environment/2024/oct/27/stop-punishing-doctors-climate-protests-general-medical-council 
2000 signature open letter calls for GMC to reverse suspension of climate activist doctors: https://thedoctor.bma.org.uk/articles/health-society/2-000-signature-petition-calls-for-gmc-to-reverse-suspensions-of-climate-activist-doctors/

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