Articles and publications:
Ripple WJ et al The 2024 state of the climate report: Perilous times on planet Earth. BioScience. 2024 Oct 8:biae087. 2024 Oct 8:biae087. Written by scientists and academics who feel it is their moral duty to alert humanity to the growing climate threats that we face as clearly as possible, this report, analyzes the latest trends in a wide array of planetary vital signs, reviews recent climate-related disasters, important climate-related topics, and discuss needed policy interventions. Click here
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) AR6 Synthesis Report: Climate Change 2023 This report reiterates that humans are responsible for all global heating over the past 200 years leading to a [then] temperature rise of 1.1°C above pre-industrial levels, which has led to more frequent and hazardous weather events that have caused increasing destruction to people and the planet. The report reminds us that every increment of warming will come with more extreme weather events. The report outlines that the 1.5°C limit is still achievable and outlines the critical action required across sectors and by everyone at all levels. Click here for report
UN Environment Agency. Facts about the climate emergency A useful “what you need to know” summary of the cause and effects of climate change, including the driving role of fossil fuels, and what needs to be done to limit global warming and act on the climate emergency? Click here
The Tipping Points of Climate Change — and Where We Stand, August 2024. In this 20min TED talk Johan Rockstrom starkly summarises the most up-to-date scientific assessment of the state of our planet and explains what must be done to preserve Earth’s resilience to human pressure. This is useful to share with anyone not yet convinced of the urgent need to act.
The Met Office. Effects of climate change. This useful website contans graphs and information about the climate from both a global and UK perspective. Click here
UK Climate Change Committee, October 2023. Assessment of recent announcements and developments on Net Zero This recent report from this, to date, independent committee, states “we remain concerned about the likelihood of achieving the UK’s future targets, especially the substantial policy gap to the UK’s 2030 goal”. “We urge the Government to restate strong British leadership on climate change in the crucial period before COP28” Click here for report