November 2022: Doctors arrested at JP Morgan Chase

Three doctors have been arrested for glueing themselves to the London HQ of JP Morgan Chase in protest at the company’s record as the world’s leading fossil fuel financier.
The group, who are all members of Doctors for Extinction Rebellion, stuck images to the front facade of the building depicting scenes of climate breakdown, both here in the UK and overseas, with a slogan reading ‘JP Morgan banking on climate chaos’.
Other aligned groups took nonviolent action at thirteen sites across central London, targeting the offices of companies and organisations which have links to the fossil fuel industry. The groups sent a universal message that it’s time to ‘cut the ties’ with fossil fuels.
Actions took place at BP, Hill+Knowlton Strategies, BAE Systems, Church House, Ineos, Eversheds Sutherland, Schlumberger, the International Maritime Organisation, the Institute of Economic Affairs, JP Morgan, Arch Insurance, the Ontario Teachers Pension Plan and the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy.

The action comes as the cost of energy hits UK citizens hard. The group state that this is a direct result of companies like JP Morgan dragging their heels over a shift away from coal, oil and gas.
Events further afield, such as the floods in Pakistan, were also cited.
The doctors requested a meeting with management, and delivered a letter on behalf of the group, demanding divestment from fossil fuel-based projects.
- Banking on Climate Chaos 2022 – Banking on Climate Chaos
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