Articles and publications:
Climate and health activism.
BMJ Head to Head. Should doctors be suspended for breaking the law? BMJ Oct 2024;387:q1888doi. HXR member Rammina Yassaie goes “head to head” with doctors’ regulator, the GMC debating whether it’s right for doctors to be suspended for whistleblowing the greatest threat to humanity. Click here
Diana Warner, The GMC must facilitate doctors to protect the public’s health and wellbeing from existential threats. Dr Diana Warner is a retired GP and member of HXR. She has recently faced a fitness to practice tribunal https://www.mpts-uk.org/hearings-and-decisions/medical-practitioners-tribunals/dr-diana-warner–aug-24 because of actions taken as an environmental defender. She discusses here the existential threats to public health, how doctors have a duty to ensure that governments tackle these. And how the GMC itself has an overarching duty to protect the public’s health and wellbeing by law. While doctors have a moral duty, the GMC is legally obliged to act. Click here for article.
Office for Health Improvement and Disparities. Climate and health: applying All Our Health. This NHS guidance recognises the climate emergency “as the most important health threat of the century” and is clear that climate action should be a core part of health workers’ professional responsibilities. It provides examples of different ways health professionals can take action Gov.UK, May 2022
Mulcahy E, Smith R. Good medical practice a missed opportunity to embed sustainability in ethical standards. This opinion piece from UK Health Alliance on Climate Change argues that the GMC should urgently lead on clarifying the steps doctors need to take to respond to the climate emergency. They raise serious concerns that despite multiple calls from health professionals, patients and carers to embed sustainability as a core focus of the latest Good Medical Practice guidance this has not been implemented. https://www.bmj.com/content/382/bmj.p1956
Neve H, Yassaie R, Pinto H, Pinto H, Blunden C, Owens C, Clack A, Stableforth W. HXR members write a rapid response in support of UKHACC article above, highlighting the inconsistencies between NHS and GMC guidance for doctors regarding their reponsibilities to act on the climate crisis.https://www.bmj.com/content/382/bmj.p1956/rr-1
Yassaie R. “Good Medical Practice” and the Climate Crisis. Rammina also critiques Good Medical Practice, including how the steps “required to counteract the impact of the largest health crisis of our time” are presented as simply optional. Journal of Medical Ethics Forum. Sept 2023.
Oliver D. Being labelled an “activist” is a badge of honour. In this BMJ Views and Reviews article the author discussed the history of health campaigning by doctors and others and our related role as patients advocates. He argues we have a moral duty to engage in activism and suggests it is an abdication of our responsibility not to. BMJ 2020;371:m4186.
Yassaie R. Learning to lead through the climate crisis. In this article HXR member Rammina critically reflects on the personal, emotional and professional challenges of coming to terms with the climate crisis and what this means for clinicians, educators and leaders in healthcare. She invites readers to explore their own circles of influence in this crucial arena, whilst emphasising the need for both action and hope. BMJ leader. 2023 17;7(Suppl)
Yassaie R. Choosing courage over comfort in the climate crisis: Are our health institutions prepared to do what it takes? HXR member Rammina explores the role of UK health institutions in the climate emergency and challenges them to act BMJ Leader blog
Yassaie R. Doctors who are activists remind and inspire us also to do the work. BMJ 2024 May 23;385.
Yassaie R, Brooks L. Reassessing ‘good’medical practice and the climate crisis. Journal of Medical Ethics. 2024 Jun 12.