April 2024: HXR members protest to defend our Juries in the week of Trudi Warner’s court case

From the 13th-21st April, hundreds of people gathered outside every single Crown Court across England and Wales to uphold the principle of jury equity, i.e. the right of a jury to acquit a defendant as a matter of conscience, even if a judge directs that there is no defence.
On 18th April, at the Royal Courts of Justice, the Solicitor General, Robert Courts MP, applied for permission to commit Trudi Warner, a retired social worker, to prison for holding a hand-written sign, communicating the vital democratic principle ‘Jurors have an absolute right to acquit a defendant according to their conscience’, outside Inner London Crown Court. ,
HXR members took part at several Crown Court protests, including Gloucester, Plymouth, Taunton, Scarborough, Kingston London, Saltburn and at the Royal Courts of Justice. as in previous demonstrations, protestors held signs with the same wording as Trudi’s

HXR have previously taken part in DoJ protests in December 2023, September 2023 and May 2023
More information can be found on the DoJ website