all HXR Actions

Lancet’s Editor states”Doctors obliged to protest”

The editor of the Lancet, one of the most prestigious medical journals in the world, has come out officially asking […]

October 13th 2019: Week One Doctors Rebellion Roundup

What a week! Thank you to everyone who made it down to Extinction Rebellion or supported from afar. As XR closes […]

October 2019: Doctors Protest Against Air Pollution in UK

Doctors for Extinction Rebellion lay 110 pairs of shoes on steps of Trafalgar Square to mark number of deaths each […]

Calling All Healthcare Professionals

Health March for the Planet – Join Us 12th Oct Join hundreds of healthcare workers as we march through London. […]

Doctors glue themselves to government building

On Wednesday 25th September 2019, 4 doctors were arrested, as part of a 30+ strong cohort of doctors protesting against […]

July 2019: UK Doctor goes on hunger strike to push for climate action

Hunger Strike Statement I made the decision to go on hunger strike on 14/07/2019 hoping that I might add something […]